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Professor Greg Barron-Gafford work on Agrivoltaics  

Agrisolar Clearing House

Jack Solar Garden 

Combining solar energy and Agriculture 

Agrivoltaic Panels Allow Farmers to Harvest Energy Plant-friendly wavelengths pass right through the translucent arrays

NSF spurs use-inspired research and technology development to address food and nutrition security challenges

Luminescent Enhancement for Combined Solar and Commercial Agriculture 

UArizona researchers awarded $3.5M to fight extreme heat

Dual use of agricultural land: Introducing ‘agrivoltaics’ in Phoenix Metropolitan Statistical Area, USA

Tillage effects on soil properties and crop yield after land reclamation

solar panels over farmland

Agrivoltaics Publications

solar panels over farm land


School education

Growing Green has partnered with the Arizona State University Photovoltaic laboratory to develop curriculum resources and workshops to be shared with 17 schools in Arizona. In addition these  resources are going to be shared with teachers from across the country at the 2024 Engineering Teacher Conference.Through this partnership Growing Green will present the work of community garden agrivoltaics projects at the Agrivoltaics World Conference and at the IEEE Photovoltaics Specialist Conference to increase awareness and adoption of this sustainable technology

students and the community about STEM

two people in front of school sign

School Education 
Agrivoltaics Educational Video shared with 17 + schools

Placing solar panels over agricultural land

person demonstrating solar panel

Community education

Growing Green has developed workshops at different community gardens to teach individuals, solar developers and farms about the benefits of agrivoltaivs to increase awareness and adoption. We have engaged farmers, solar developers and other community members to increase awareness and adoption. We have connected farms and several community organizations with solar developers to implement agrivoltaics.

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